
Seattle, WA

Deacons Nicolas – Outreach Directors

Seattle Outreach Ministry has an ongoing fundraising event/program designed to provide help to community members in 2018. Contact us for details. The Outreach Ministry plans to give away gifts of tents, blankets, clothing, hygiene kits, and gift cards for winter meals. In the spring and summer, we plan to arrive with hot meals. For the fall, we plan to distribute Back-2-School Pack-full-O-Supplies and provide clothing. During the holidays, we will provide holiday food baskets and toys to those who notify us in advance of their needs. The Outreach Ministry also has plans to visit 7 of the Senior/Special Needs Communities in the Seattle area.

Church of the Gospel of Christ of Tacoma’s 2017 Food Basket Giveaway began in September and ended in December. Thank you, LORD God, for everyone who donated and participated. The collection box will remain in the vestibule near the front door of the church throughout the year. Please pray and consider making your own special offering to support these activities for 2018. The LORD blessed the Outreach Ministry to feed 22 families for Thanksgiving 2017 and 3 families for Christmas. Thank you, CGCNWCM Elder, Sr. Consuelo Harris, CGC Seattle, Humbert Pastor, and Seattle Gospel Church of Christ’s Outreach Directors, Ministers Nicolas for all their help.

In 2016, Tacoma Gospel of Christ Church’s Outreach Ministry was blessed to provide help to community members by accepting special offers. Church donations enabled us to give gifts of tents, blankets, clothing, hygiene packs, and hot meals. We also gave out holiday food baskets to nineteen families in Lakewood, Tacoma, and Spanaway. Thank goodness CGC Tacoma helped get a homeless family off the streets, permanently! Thank you, Pastor Humbert and Sister Consuelo Harris for leading the 2016 Outreach.

Please call the church in advance to make your Needs Request known to help Outreach Ministry better serve you at 253-584-3904 or outreachseattle@cgcnwcm.org.

Visit our Facebook page at Church of the Gospel of Christ Northwest Coast Ministries and Christ Gospel Church – Seattle.

All praise and glory to the Lord Jesus Christ!