Christ Gospel Church Northwest Coast Ministries

“All scripture is given by inspiration of God,

and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

Our Organization

All of the Northwest Coast Ministries of Christ Gospel Church (Tacoma, Seattle, Vancouver, Oak Harbor, Wenatchee, Washington, and Portland, Oregon) are independently organized and governed.

We are a Spirit-Filled Church teaching principles of spiritual growth from Genesis to Revelation.

Our church is an affiliate of Christ Gospel Churches, International Headquarters in Jeffersonville, Indiana under the teachings of our Founder, Reverend B.R. Hicks, and now President, Reverend Conway.

Christ Gospel Church Northwest Coast Ministries are a fundamentalist, Pentecostal Christian group.

We espouse a set of doctrines known as the Apostles’ Creed, like most Christian denominations.

Our church believes in the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues.

Christ Gospel services are exuberant celebrations.

People sing, shout, dance, clap, run, praise, and worship God with all of their beings.

We believe it is no accident that you have come across our online ministry.

It is our prayer that you will be blessed and encouraged by the contents of our web ministry.

Our Elders/Pastors McGriff

Reverends McGriff are the Pastors of both Christ Gospel Church Tacoma, Washington, and Portland, Oregon, and the Elders of District 14.

They live under the Headship of the LORD Jesus Christ and the teachings of our Founder of Christ Gospel Churches Int’l, Inc., Reverend B. R. Hicks, and the now President Reverend Conway.

They started the Tacoma, WA church in 1995 and the Portland, Oregon church in 2005.

The Seattle and Vancouver church soon followed. 

The Bible Studies in Oak Harbor and Wenatchee followed shortly after as well.

The McGriffs are originally from Florida.

They have three children and many grandchildren.

The LORD has anointed them to preach and teach the Message of the Crucified and Resurrected Christ with passion, excitement, and power.

The McGriffs would like to give all the Honor and Glory to God for blessing them with an anointing to win souls to His Kingdom.

They also would like to express their gratitude to Reverend B. R. Hicks for her endless labors and love to give the Word needed to change people’s lives around the world and Reverend Conway for continuing in her teachings by God’s Mercy and Grace.