
 Tacoma, WA


I have shewed you all things, 

how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, 

and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus,

how he said,

It is more blessed to give than to receive.” 

Acts 20:35 KJV

The Outreach Ministry supports the community through gifts of tents, blankets, clothing, hygiene packs, food packets, and meal gift cards during the winter.

In the spring and summer, we provide food and personal item packets.

During the fall, we provide Back-2-School Pack-full-of-Supplies.

All clothing and such items are donated by individuals to the Tacoma Rescue Mission.

For the Holidays, we provide Holiday Food Gift Cards for Thanksgiving and Christmas to those families and individuals who notify us in advance of their needs.

The Outreach Ministry Team Members travel throughout Pierce County distributing food and personal item packets, Salvation Information, and lending their ear and voice to the communities within our local area.

In 2024, the LORD continues to bless the Outreach Ministry to serve Pierce County.

In 2023 Food, the LORD has blessed the Outreach Ministry to provide financial assistance and resource information.

In 2022, the LORD has blessed the Outreach Ministry to provide food packs, financial assistance, and the Love of Christ.

In 2021, the LORD has blessed the Outreach Ministry with a program called “Helping the Homeless” to distribute food, water, and personal items. The Outreach Team Members faithfully went out and shared the love of Jesus. Holiday gift cards were distributed to families in need, and resource assistance donated throughout the year went to the Tacoma Rescue Mission, such as food, slightly used clothing, and shoes.

In 2020, the LORD blessed CGCNWCM of Tacoma to host an Outreach event called “Helping the Homeless” on January 4, 2020.  

In August 2019, the LORD blessed the Outreach Ministry to provide Back-2-School Pack-full-of-Supplies. Holiday gift cards were distributed. Funds supported the Wenatchee Ministry.

In 2018, the LORD blessed the Outreach Ministry to provide Holiday Food Baskets. Resource information and slightly used clothing and shoes were also distributed.

In 2017, the LORD blessed the Outreach Ministry to distribute Holiday Food Baskets from September through December. Many families received this blessing for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

In 2016, the LORD blessed the Outreach Ministry to provide the homeless community with tents, blankets, clothing, hygiene packs, and hot meals.  Holiday Food Baskets were also distributed. Housing was also provided for one family.

To Help Us Help You

Please contact us in advance to let your Needs Request know, in order to help the Outreach Tacoma Ministry serve you better at outreachtacoma@cgcnwcm.org  or you may leave a message at 253-584-3904.

Please visit our Facebook page at Christ Gospel Church Northwest Coast Ministries.

Upload the app (CGC) for Christ Gospel Churches International, Inc, or visit our national headquarters website at christgospel.org.

Join the search engine at cgcset.org.

All Praise and Glory to our LORD Jesus Christ!

Bible Study Cell Group

Are you interested in having a Bible Study (remote or in-person)?

Would you like to grow spiritually?

Would you like to have a closer, more personal relationship with our Creator?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions and would like to set up a personal and/or group Bible Study via zoom.us, don’t wait, please, contact us, and let’s share God’s Word together, Amen.

May God Bless you always!

You may help our church raise money for our Outreach Ministry Department.

1. RADA Cutlery:

Click the link: http://bit.ly/2Mfyf7v

Enter “Yes”

2. Simply Sheets:

#1. Click the link: https://www.simplysheets.net/
#2. Click Order Online, Select & Add Items to Cart

#3. At Checkout Input Your Information. At the Order Information Tab. Answer Questions:

#1. Yes,

#2. SS000218.

#3. Outreach Director’s Name.

#4. Christ Gospel Church Tacoma.

#5. 2535843904.

3. Shop With Scrip: Click Link to review the choices of cards – https://www.raiseright.com/shop. Contact Outreach Director to Purchase.

God Bless you for supporting our Outreach Ministry!

Community Outreach

We desire to reach out to our community to share the love of Jesus.

The LORD has provided several ministries in the local communities.

If you are interested in any of the outreach programs, please contact us for additional information. 

Military Counseling and Outreach in the Tacoma Area 

We welcome and honor all military service members in the Puget Sound area.  A vast majority of our congregation consists of Active Duty Army and Coast Guard Service members and families, Army and Air Force Reservist, and Retired Veterans. Because we understand the challenges faced by service members, we offer unique services for families of deployed service members such as family separation counseling, marriage counseling, young adult and youth counseling, and at-risk youth counseling. We also offer discounted childcare services and have an outreach ministry to assist with financial difficulties.

Furniture Distribution

We are able to provide families or individuals recovering from homelessness and/or addiction with household furnishing as they settle into a new home. If you are interested in this service, please contact us for information.

Youth Community Outreach Program

Our Youth Community Outreach Program ministers to Tacoma and Portland’s homeless population by distributing goods as needed. Previously, they participated in community fundraisers to assist with their annual trip to Jeffersonville, Indiana for International Youth Convention.

Assisted Living Facility Bible Studies  

In both Tacoma and Hillsboro, we led Bibles studies for the elderly at assisted living facilities.

If you are in need of assistance, please complete the information below: